Anatomy UI

Color mixing

Color mixing combines two colors and mixes them based on the preferred amount of each color, in addition to the color space and hue interpolation.

Mixing colors

By default, each color is mixed equally, producing a color mixed with 50% of the first color and 50% of second color.

/* Syntax formatting for the color-mix() function */
color: color-mix(in <color-space>, <color> <percentage>, <color> <percentage>);

The in <color-space> value refers to the interpolation method mixing will use, as spaces like lch and srgb will mix colors differently. Importantly, the passed in color values can be any valid <color> and do not need to be formatted in the matching color space:

 * Syntax for available color spaces. Passed in
 * colors do not need to match the color space.
 * Because percentages have been omitted, each color
 * is mixed equally, with 50% of both blue and red.
color: color-mix(in srgb, blue, red);
color: color-mix(in srgb-linear, blue, red);
color: color-mix(in lab, blue, red);
color: color-mix(in oklab, blue, red);
color: color-mix(in xyz, blue, red);
color: color-mix(in xyz-d50, blue, red);
color: color-mix(in xyz-d65, blue, red);
color: color-mix(in hsl, blue, red);
color: color-mix(in hwb, blue, red);
color: color-mix(in lch, blue, red);
color: color-mix(in oklch, blue, red);
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Hue interpolation

Polar color spaces such as hsl, hwb, lch, and oklch also support all the hue interpolation keywords, indicating how to mix both colors.

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Percentage values

Percentage values are very flexible, as long as they aren’t both 0%. In addition, when combined values are less than or greater than 100%, they are both recomputed by taking each value and dividing by the sum of both. This ensures two values that always add up to 100%.1

For example, if the first color is 70% and the second is 50% , the sum is 120% and the values will be transformed to ~58.3333% and ~41.666% respectively. Or if the values are 30% and 40%, the sum is 70% and the values will be transformed to 42.85% and 57.14% respectively.

 * the following two values are equivalent due
 * to values greater than 100% being converted
 * to always add up to 100%
color: color-mix(in srgb, blue 70%, red 50%);
color: color-mix(in srgb, blue 58.3333%, red 41.6666%);

 * the following two values are equivalent due
 * to values less than 100% being converted
 * to always add up to 100%
color: color-mix(in srgb, red 30%, blue 40%);
color: color-mix(in srgb, red 42.85%, blue 57.14%);
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Alpha channels

Since any valid <color> type can be passed into the color-mix() function, that includes colors with an alpha value less than 100%. Mixing colors with an alpha channel will produce a color that also has an alpha channel, computed from the two colors (however, it’s not a direct average):

color: color-mix(in srgb, rgb(0 0 255 / 0.5), rgb(255 0 0 / 0.5));

In addition, you can mix a color with the keyword transparent to produce the same color with an alpha channel value computed from the mix percentages. Use the percentage value in the first color to create the alpha value (ie: red 50% will create a color with 50% opacity).

Note: the transparent keyword does not accept a percentage value.

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