Anatomy UI

Text overflow

Real content almost always breaks typographic layouts in static designs. Setting guards using text overflow properties helps keep things looking consistent.

Trimming single line text

Trimming text is usually applied to single lines and requires coordinating CSS’s text-overflow, overflow, and white-space properties. The text-overflow property does not handle clipping text, it only controls what should display when text has already been clipped. By default, this value is clip, but all modern browsers also support ellipsis.1

In order to actually clip text that is too long, use overflow: hidden, which must be applied to the text element itself. Additionally, the text cannot span multiple lines, and the css property white-space: nowrap must also be included.

Dorothy leaned her chin upon her hand and gazed

p {

Trimming multiple lines of text

To clip multiple lines of text, use the -webkit-line-clamp property, which is supported in all major browsers. However, this property comes with a few caveats:

  • display: -webkit-box and webkit-box-orient: vertical are also both required
  • text-overflow does nothing here and ellipses are always used
  • applying padding to the text with the line clamp value can create artifacts on clipped lines
  • text clipping is not based on any parent container dimensions, only the text’s number of lines
  • the parent container must have overflow: hidden applied OR a defined height.

Dorothy leaned her chin upon her hand and gazed

.container {
p {