Anatomy UI

Filters and blend modes

Filters and blend modes go beyond static colors, gradients, and shadows, dynamically interacting with interface elements and media items.


The filter property applies composite rendering effects to any element or group of elements–via specialized functions.1 Unlike static affects applied to imported images, they can react to the environment via DOM updates, scrolling, and animations:

/* supported functions syntax */
filter: blur(<number>);
filter: brightness(<decimal>);
filter: contrast(<percentage>);
filter: drop-shadow(<number> <number> <number> <color>);
filter: grayscale(<percentage>);
filter: hue-rotate(<angle>);
filter: invert(<percentage>);
filter: opacity(<percentage>);
filter: saturate(<percentage>);
filter: sepia(<percentage>);
filter: url(<image>);

Effects are computed using the local coordinates of the target element without affecting surrounding elements and functions can be stacked and combined, meaning just a change to the function order can create a different effect.


The blur() function applies a gaussian blur to the applied element and its descendants.2 Any positive <length> value is accepted, except for percentages and larger values increase the blur radius. The default value and interpolation value (more on that below) is 0.

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The brightness() function lightens or darkens the element and its descendants.3 Any positive number or percentage is accepted, and defaults to 1 (the same as 100%) for both the value and interpolation value. A 100% brightness means no change has occurred. Anything less than 100% (or 1) will darken the element, while anything above 100% will brighten it.

Placeholder for examples
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The contrast() function increases or decreases contrast for the element and its descendants 4 Any positive number or percentage is accepted, and defaults to 1 (the same as 100%) for both the value and interpolation value. A 100% contrast means no change has occurred. Anything less than 100% (or 1) will lower contrast on the element, while anything above 100% will increase it.

Placeholder for examples
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Drop shadows

The drop-shadow() function applies a drop shadow to the rendered content of the element.5 This works differently from box-shadow, which is applied to the bounding box of the element. In addition, inset and spread parameters are not allowed and, while multiple drop-shadow() functions can be applied to one filter property, multiple shadows are not allowed within one function call.\n\nThe syntax for the function is the x offset, y offset, size, and color (the color value can be excluded and will inherit the current color value for the element).

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The grayscale() function applies a percentage level of gray to the element and its descendants 6 Any value between 0-1 or percentage between 0-100% is accepted, and defaults to 1 (fully grayscale). However, the interpolation value defaults to 0.

Placeholder for examples
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Hue rotate

The hue-rotate() function moves all colors in the element and its descendants around a color wheel.7 Any angle value is accepted, with positive values going clockwise and negative values going counter-clockwise around the color wheel. The default is 0deg for both the value and interpolation value. Values can be above 360deg, which will keep rotating around the wheel.

Placeholder for examples
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The invert() function inverts all colors in the element and its descendants.8. Any value between 0-1 or percentage between 0-100% is accepted, and defaults to 1 (fully inverted). However, the interpolation value defaults to 0.

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The opacity() function applies a transparency value to the element and its descendants.9 Like the opacity property, any value between 0-1 or percentage between 0-100% is accepted, and defaults to 1 (fully opaque) for both the value and interpolation value. Unlike the opacity property, the function equivalent can be stacked multiple times in one filter.

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The saturate() function adds or removes saturation to the element and its descendants.10 Any positive number or percentage is accepted, and defaults to 1 (the same as 100%) for both the value and interpolation value. A 100% saturation means no change has occurred. Anything less than 100% (or 1) will desaturate the element, while anything above 100% will increase it.

Placeholder for examples
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The sepia() function increases color sepia in the element and its descendants.11. Any value between 0-1 or percentage between 0-100% is accepted, and defaults to 1 (fully sepia). However, the interpolation value defaults to 0.

Placeholder for examples
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Animation and interpolation

When animating the filter property, be aware that some functions change their starting value if left empty. For example, the grayscale(), sepia() and invert() functions can be called without a value to apply their affect fully (ie: omitting a value defaults them to 1). However, if animated, their starting value reverts to 0, so when animating filters you are most likely better off settings values for all functions.

Backdrop filters

The backdrop-filter includes all of the same function options as filter, but applies it to anything behind the current element. This means the current element must also include some transparency in order to see the effect.12 Currently, safari requires the -webkit- prefix for this property.

Background blur affects are a popular use of this property, blurring content passing underneath the element the backdrop-filter property has been applied to.


Dorothy leaned her chin upon her hand and gazed thoughtfully at the Scarecrow. Its head was a small sack stuffed with straw, with eyes, nose, and mouth painted on it to represent a face.

.header {

Blend modes

The mix-blend-mode property enables stylistic blending of elements with their background or other elements.13:

/* available syntax options */
mix-blend-mode: normal;
mix-blend-mode: color;
mix-blend-mode: color-dodge;
mix-blend-mode: color-burn;
mix-blend-mode: darken;
mix-blend-mode: difference;
mix-blend-mode: exclusion;
mix-blend-mode: hue;
mix-blend-mode: hard-light;
mix-blend-mode: lighten;
mix-blend-mode: luminosity;
mix-blend-mode: multiply;
mix-blend-mode: overlay;
mix-blend-mode: saturation;
mix-blend-mode: screen;
mix-blend-mode: soft-light;

By default, elements will interact with both each other and the background. Use the isolation property with a value of isolate on the element you applied mix-blend-mode to, to create a new local stacking context and remove the effect interaction with an ancestor’s background (if you apply a background to the element itself, the blend mode effect will still occur).

There is also a background-blend-mode property that applies blend modes to just the background image and color values on an element.14